John Dane was born about 1587 in Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire. He married about 1608 Frances Bowyer who died about 1641 in Roxbury. MA. He married second Annis Bayford who died in 1682/83. Frances was probably the daughter of Thomas and Margaret Bowyer based on certain "benefactions" recorded for the Parish of Bishop's Stortford. "John Dane, by deed dated 21st July 1630, in consideration of the Parish haveing been at great charge in relieving Margaret his mother-in-law, the wife of Thomas Bowyer, after the death of her husband, and conveyed a parcel of ground taken out of a great yard belonging to John Dane, with a herenail ther or booth, and half part of a well lying in Hockerill Street, for the benefit of the chief inhabitants of this Parish forever."

Frances had been at one time a servant of Lady Margaret Denny, who was maid of honor to Queen Elizabeth I, and the wife of Sir Edward Denny, a gentleman of the Queen's Privy Chamber. She came with her husband to New England and died soon after their arrival. John Dane came to New England with his wife and his children Elizabeth and Francis. His son John had preceded his parents to Ipswich in 1635 and they followed a year later, having "hasted after me as sone as they could." After a short period in Roxbury they settled in Ipswich in order to worship with Rev John Norton.

The earliest grant of land to him was on April 9, 1639, but it appears this land had been occupied by them earlier. The grant was for a one acre lot "lying in the street called the west ens.." on the north side of the Ipswich River and adjoining the lot of Robert Muzzey. He had a six-acre planting lot "beyond the reach of Ready Marsh," and four more acres of planting ground within the common fence. In October, 1649, John petitioned the General court that the house and lands belonging to his father-in-law, William Chandler, might be made over to him for he had "paid more debt of Chand'l than ye house and land was worth, & also brought up ye children of Chandler w'ch have been chargeable to him." On February 2,165/66 he made a deed of gift to "his dear and loving wife Annis Dane.." of all the housing and lands that had belonged to her first husband. He was a commoner and was made freeman at Ipswich on June 2, 1641. He died Sept,1658, in Roxbury, MA. See Source